“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24
The phone beeped the sound that a text message had just come in. Having recently completed some hard physical labor in very humid weather, I had been resting comfortably under a ceiling fan. Since it was easier, I called Jason back instead of texting. How was I to know that a simple question would lead to an opportunity to touch, and BE touched, by the Lord of the Universe?
Jason was working on the children’s playground at church and just wanted to know where he might find something. He wasn’t asking for physical help, but I just couldn’t help myself. I quickly put on my scruffy work clothes and headed his way. As soon as I had I arrived and opened my truck door, it was as if I had entered the Holy of Holies.
Taking a survey of the situation, Jason was on his hands and knees…but he wasn’t praying. He was working on a hold in the ground beside the swing-set! His truck door was open and an awesome Christian song was blasting truth into the air. Knowing I was about to sweat, I didn’t care. And under the shade of the big oak tree, I couldn’t help but summarize the moment by saying what I felt. “Doesn’t this feel like we’re stealin’?” He quickly laughed and agreed.
I believe men (and that includes women) were created to Glorify God in a unique way. God has VERY POWERFUL ANGELS that circle Him constantly proclaiming His Holiness and perfection. He doesn’t need a dirty, sweaty man to do that. MY uniqueness, and even BETTER Glory for God, comes when I choose to partner with Him to do HIS work, and will, in an evil world…behind enemy lines. Which was what we were doing!
To lead Christ calls us to follow. To live, we must die to ourselves. And to be served, we are told we must serve. It wasn’t a mystery that Jesus Christ was there. I could almost see Him leaning down and peering into that hole right alongside Jason. I certainly sense the Holy Spirit’s presence as we, a Father and a Grandfather served, not only our OWN children, but others as well. Knowing Jesus’ opinion of little ones, it was no wonder He was there so powerfully.
We worked, talked, shared, served and got even more dirty and tired. But in the end we really didn’t notice. We had gone where NO angel has ever tread before. For Angels know NOTHING of weary bones, hot days, sweaty bodies and making Godly choices under the duress of fatigue, sin and human logic. Only men can have that experience. And it ALWAYS requires CHOICE!
As we left Jason told me that there was still some more work to do, but that he’d do it himself since it wasn’t much. I couldn’t believe he was actually going to STEAL from me like that! I commanded, “whenEVER you plan on being here, you’d better let ME know what time!” Angels don’t know anything about working under a clock either!
Are YOU working out for Him?