“some of his disciples said to one another, “What does he mean by saying, ‘In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me,’ and ‘Because I am going to the Father’?” John 16:17
AHA!!!!! I finally got it! But what I got really isn’t what I really wanted!
For YEARS I have pondered a spiritual question that seemed to have no real solid answer. And by that I mean, an answer that ‘I’ was satisfied with! As so often happens, when I have one of these ongoing research questions, the answer seems to come when I am not immediately looking for it! Now that it is here, I don’t know what to DO about it! “Is God an ‘IMMEDIATE Gratification,’ or a ‘DELAYED Gratification’ kind of person?”
My personality is kind of simple. I want it all and I want it NOW! If I have to WAIT for it, I’m really not that interested…patience not being my strong suit! Stick-to-itivness, focus and perseverance are not naturally arrows in my quiver. I’ve long since traded them for a candy bar! Now that I have need for that arrow, I’m stuck here calling out for God’s help! It seems…He’s been waiting for me to catch up!!!!
I’ve known lots of folks who were savers. My brother was one. When we got our allowance as kids, he immediately put his in a piggy bank. I immediately ran to the candy store. He was usually right there with me… asking if he could borrow a nickel! Not that that was bad. After all, when it came down to it, he HAD money. I didn’t! It was no surprise he went into the area of banking and finance!
Maybe it’s the time change this year! At 65 I don’t recover as fast as I did at 18. I’m still playing catch-up! Maybe it’s that I have so much to do? The clock is ticking on the Easter Holy Week and taxes are due soon as well. I’ve put off the taxes until I have time! Which is exactly what I do EVERY year! This only proves that ‘I’ AM an ‘instant gratification’ guy. Who has just realized that…God is not!
As a believer in Christ, I am ALWAYS moving forward, TOWARDS something I do not yet have. A stronger or better life in Him, a spiritual treasure yet unopened, more fruit of the Spirit and ultimately…HEAVEN! All things coming ‘in a little while!’ Which means that I am, I guess, always supposed to be MOVING FORWARD! I guess! But how do I do that when I’m pretty worn out?
I’d LOVE to spend more time on this, but I have someplace to be and I’m outta time!
So….what do YOU think?