“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.“ Jeremiah 29:13
My wife was passing a TV in a restaurant when she saw a notice that the International Space Station would be visible last night in Florida. Making note of the time, she set the alarm on her phone. Having seen the ISS SEVERAL times this last year, it was going to be a revisit with a wave and a goodbye. It happens that FAST. Or…it’s SUPPOSED to!
At precisely the right time, she fired up her phone and held it in the direction the cellphone compass had stated. As we looked to the southwest, her concern grew. I heard her say, “No Space Station? Where did it GO?” Her tone changed when she looked at another app. “OH NO…WE MISSED IT!” It had already descended below the horizon in the northeastern sky! We were looking…180 degrees in the WRONG DIRECTION!
Until tonight, I would have voted her “Space Station Groupie of the Year! Not now! Which led me to think about the Bible verse today and the Easter season approaching. What if God would have set a star in the sky for the ordeal of Christ’s Resurrection with the message…”HE’S OVER HERE!!!?” I wonder how many people would have bothered to go look? Well…actually, I don’t have to wonder at all!
The Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah took a memo from God in Chapter 29. You can read the whole thing yourself. Written in the 7th Century BC, it’s pages have been around for a LONG time. In it, God sets the standard for those who truly want to find Him. It’s not really a SEARCH as much as it is RESEARCH! It’s not like He’s HIDING. It’s more like He wants to be WANTED enough to be DISCOVERED! It isn’t HARD. It just takes heart!
I met a young man the other night and asked Him if he KNEW God and if he knew for CERTAIN that he would go to heaven when he died? He was uncertain and started making up religious sayings, presumably to convince me that he really wasn’t THAT uncertain. I suggested he relax and that if he really WANTED to know, I could point him in the right direction toward discovery! As he left, I think he thought I was a wacko! God was more disappointed than me!
ALL people know they are sinners…and that perfect heaven is OUT of the question for ‘they’ like ‘we!’ What we DON’T know or understand is just HOW much God loves and wants us TO BE with Him. But the price of imperfection is FAR too high for us to pay. So He sent His son and paid it Himself…then made an offer! “It’s all yours FREE…just come find me and ask! I’ll prove it to YOU!” Sad thing is…most people are looking at something else…180 degrees opposite of the greatest treasure in the Universe!
What are YOU lookin’ at?