“For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.” Colossians 1:16
A friend called to ask help with an electrical issue in his home. Grabbing tools, I went to help him replace, and run power to, a current outdoor light fixture. He had lived his long life without having to learn the principles and how-to’s of home electrical wiring. A fact I discovered when we got closer to the black and white wires. He was genuinely nervous!
After setting up the ladder, I reached up to start working on the old light. Suddenly he let out a holler, ”WAIT WAIT WAIT…I gotta turn the power off first!” His words were comforting, as they proved he cared about my welfare. I also found them intriguing because his fear was far more than was necessary. I had an inductive electrical tester in my hand at the time!
After he got back from the electrical panel, I was going to show him how an inductive electrical tester worked. When I asked where a live electrical outlet might be he said, “I shut the power off!” “To the WHOLE HOUSE?” I asked. “Yup, I ain’t takin’ any chances!…” he said that to ME, up on the ladder, MY hands near the wires! My friend is a funny man!
Having done electrical work many times in my life I have learned, often the hard way, how to handle it’s power! I have a healthy respect of what it can do and have been shocked numerous times. One old timer even told me years ago, “it’s good for ya!” And power IS! Without it, we wouldn’t enjoy lamps, stoves, air conditioning or indoor plumbing! Of course I’m kidding on that last one…KIND of!
The most POWERFUL source of power in the universe is God! He shares that power with both His Son Jesus and with the Holy Spirit…AND ME! If you have been anywhere NEAR a REAL Christian believer you can, and should, get an inductive sense that there is a power there that is unusual and intriguing. A power that either calls to come closer…or repels in fear.
I am a friend of God! I know Him. I have learned, sometimes the hard way, about His intentions and how He works. I LOVE learning more about Him and drawing closer to Him. I have a healthy respect for Him and know that He has power that He wants to share with me in the form of Love, Trust, real Hope and Joy! His power genuinely blesses me when I genuinely get closer to Him. And…just like my inductive electrical tester…I CAN tell when He’s close!
Can you?