“From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.” Galatians 6:17
This weekend, my grandson got hit in the face with a baseball! Though I wasn’t there, I was told about it and now have the evidence! It doesn’t’ take a lot of imagination to see the evidence on his face…AND that he wasn’t just hit with a baseball…he was HIT with a baseball! So hard, in fact, the laces of the baseball left a marked imprint on his face!
Now I’ve got to admit, this is a pretty cool picture! Isaac is a pitcher, and when the batter hit the line drive straight at him, his reaction didn’t keep up with the speed! Oh… He’s OK now! I talked to him after the event and he assures me he is fine. Besides…he has a GREAT FOREVER STORY to tell.. with pictures to back it up! I mean…how blessed can 1 guy get!!!??
As the story goes, he was knocked down…and apparently out! I was told that my son Colt, Isaac’s dad, was freaked out when he saw Isaac lying there! Now he knows how it feels! Colt still carries the head scar from an incident with a shot-put at about Isaac’s same age! PROOF that love comes with a cost! And you can ask God for verification of that fact!
Jesus carries scars! In fact, He’ll be the ONLY one in heaven outwardly showing them off! Because He will be the ONLY one in heaven WORTHY of God’s evidence of love! Because there was a day…a point in time…when God put EVERYTHING on the line and into His Son’s hand’s. It was the day the Son went down! It is ‘The Day’ we still talk about!
Scars tell stories. HIS-STORY continues to impress people around the world. So much so, that His mark spilled over into MY life as well. When I get close, and draw closer to Him, the Word tells me that people can actually SEE His imprint on my life! And it gets even better! Jesus’ marks on my life are SO IMPRESSIVE, that when God looks at me, all He can see is His Son!
The story of Isaac continues. He went on to pitch the rest of the inning…and to a NO HITTER! It is my hope that your reading this will help YOU see the impression Jesus can make on simple people like us…and desire to join His team! After all, your price has been paid! And once you’re in and marked, you simply cannot ever lose!
Thanks Isaac…for taking 1 for the team!