“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3
WHIRRRRRRRRR….BANG BANG BANG!!!! BUZZZZZZZZZZZ! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! BURP! And there I lay…trying to listen to Elvis! And partly, because I said ‘NO’ enough times!
After my ‘head hitting the tree’ incident and the visit to my Doctor, an appointment was set up to get an MRI of my brain. Between the Doctor visit and yesterday’s MRI, I had phone calls and forms to fill out that asked a LOT of questions. Looking back, I can tell you how to quickly get to and through an MRI. “Just say NO!”
“Do you have any metal in your head? Do you wear hearing aids? Do I have a Pacemaker? Artificial joint? Ear implant? Shunts? False teeth? Are you pregnant?” And the list went on and on until, “Are you claustrophobic?” Let me tell you… If you want to get on with it and get over it.. simply say ‘NO’ to EVERYTHING. Unless you have metal in your body! Then don’t! But here’s the deal!
With a brain injury, in order to stop the ‘essay questions’ from family and friends “How are you feeling?” When will you know if you are OK?” “What did the Doctor say?” etc…and get onto the easy ‘Yes’ or ‘NO’ questions like, “did they find anything wrong?” You HAVE to get an MRI! In order to GET an MRI you HAVE to say ‘NO’ to all the MRI prerequisites! It’s kinda like getting right with God!
“Are you perfect? Do you have any sin in your life? Is there anything in your life that might keep you out of Heaven? Do you worship ANY other gods besides the REAL one?” The tricky part comes when your answers are WAYYYY TOOOO long. Trust me on this! An explanation is NOT your best friend!
I get it! It’s a SIMPLE question! But NOT so simple to answer. And please understand…God isn’t trying to be unfair or prideful. He really DOES KNOW everything. So HE KNOWS ‘HE’ is the ONLY God on the planet. Your trying to lie about it won’t change a thing anyway!
So my advice, after thinking about it in the MRI for about 25 minutes, is this.. BEFORE you hear the ‘BANG BANG BANG’ of the door of Heaven as it closes you off FROM heaven, you may want to give the ‘other God’ question some REAL consideration! And don’t bother to lie. The Doctor already knows the answer!
OH… My MRI? It may shock a lot of you but I now have PROOF! I’m NORMAL!!!! But what do THEY know???