
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3

We sat in circle around the church last night, about 20 of us, all looking at a woman we had never met before. She had tears running down her face as we sat and listened to the story of her family. It was 1 week ago that we had heard the story from one of our members. One thing had led to another, the Holy Spirit moved and an offering was raised. She was there to receive it, and sat overwhelmed at what God had done. Elsewhere, court was in session.

Satan looked with disdain at one of our members in the witness stand and proceeded with his charges. A hateful scowl of disgust crossed his face at the very sight of the accused, even tho it was only a doll in effigy. He proceeded. “Did you or did you NOT disobey me when I told you to refrain from giving any ANYTHING to this worthless cause?” “Speak up!” No response! Let the evidence show that we not only have your fingerprints, but your NAME AND SIGNATURE are on the donation check!” “I pronounce you GUILTY of disobedience!”

The next charge brought no reaction from the doll, but was leveled as if there COULD be one. “Did I NOT tell you tonight that you are FAR too busy and have FAR too many of your own personal problems to bother taking the TIME to come this foul place? But there you sit…all smiley… as if you haven’t a care in the world. Do you not realize I will MAGNIFY your troubles as payment for your disobedience? Again…GUILTY!”

Elsewhere, The Master of the Universe was looking down with so much joy that the angel’s faces could not help but follow suit. He sees. And He knows. He KNOWS that money is tight for his son. But watched as he gave it by faith anyway. He knows that His son is buried in mountains of work that will require hours he does not have. Yet there he sits with his fellow brothers and sisters still.

As for the character in question…he is perfectly content and at peace. Even though he KNOWS he is guilty! Guilty of following the gentle but difficult request of his Maser. He also knows that his Savior has GAZILLIONS of dollars and holds all time in His hands. And with a Master so generous, giving with a servants heart is more fun than anything else he could be found guilty of. His case rests!

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