“Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.” Isaiah 55:2
We had just walked into the house, having just been out to lunch, when Katie said to me, “what would you like to eat for dinner?” She had to run to Wal-mart sometime in the afternoon to get some things and thought it would be easy to ‘kill 2 birds with 1 stone.’ It proved otherwise.
Thinking about what I want to eat when I am not really hungry is a double edged sword. How can I satisfy a desire for something if I don’t HAVE it yet? Running through my list of possibilities when my stomach is already full does NOT make anything ‘pop out’. In fact, it adds to the frustrations of having to decide something I really have no concern about at the moment. And THAT leads to bad decisions later!
She mentioned we had some leftover pizza and some cheese and crackers for later if we just wanted to ‘pick…’ a term we use equal to cattle grazing. When we do that we just eat whatever is around. This proved NOT a good thing! Because when ‘later’ came and I WAS hungry, I added ice cream and some Milk Duds to my palate!! What is WRONG with me?? I am SICKENINGLY spoiled!
We have all heard stories of prisoners of war or famine dwellers having to live on a handful of grain and a cup water each day… or less! There… there IS NO menu! Life then, becomes a question of, “how badly do you want to LIVE?’ It has been proven that desperate people do desperate things. Last night, I wasn’t desperate!
Did you ever think, “If God were really serious about winning converts, He might have more success if He didn’t offer us so much good stuff?!” I have. The Biblical ruin of peoples in such a way never turned out well, simply because it is not in our human nature to embrace negative situations. Besides, punishment for failure is not in God’s list of favorite things to do either. So I am stuck with a dangerous and continued precedent for my own contentment… CHOICE!
God offers us the BEST stuff, but only when we we make the decision to put HIM above everything else! This verse tells me that ‘satisfaction’ and ‘delight’ are His goals for me. And Heaven will be a place overloaded with both. I am STILL ashamed and blown away by my own stupidity when I make a quick decision to put the ‘Milk Duds’ of life ahead of ‘The Savior!’ I am SOOO glad He is the proprietor of a restaurant called “Grace!”