“No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us and have given us over to our sins.” Isaiah 64:7
It was time for my normal checkup with my doctor and I had a few questions for him. I always look forward to seeing him because I am blessed to have a doctor who is also my friend. That means I can trust him to be honest with me. Soon, I was in his office and bantering with the nurses. I love that place and hardly noticed when they took my credit card for prepayment!! I did NOT expect what happened next!
I heard his voice before I saw his face. Unlike a dog that cowers and shakes at the vet’s office (could they be smarter than me?), I was jovial and was glad to see my friend. As we talked I asked him my questions. “My wife says I get lethargic too often, would B12 shots help?” His reply was direct. “Do you want what I think or the medical facts?” I soon learned that I am just plain old and lazy and that there is no magic shot for that! I told him that I guessed there was no need anyway, since I take multi-vitamins everyday. His next words shocked me!
My doctor friend told me, with a smile, that I was killing myself! He could see I was shocked and doubtful so he got up, went to his cupboard and pulled out several articles to prove his opinion with fact. Taking multivitamins, especially after 65, kills you sooner! I said, “Well it’s a good thing I’m only 64, you just saved my life!” He smirked cuz.. that’s what he does! For my last question, I lifted my shirt! “What’s this!???” He immediately responded, “WHOOOAH!”
I became nervous when he looked at the sore on my back and said.. “don’t touch it” and reached for some rubber gloves. My brain quickly put 2+2 together and I said… “Don’t you DARE tell me I have shingles!” He said… “you have shingles!” Friends don’t lie to each other! When I reminded him that HE had given me the shingles vaccine, he said, “That’s why it is so small!” GREAT! I guess there’s no warranty on vaccines!
I am honored to have been called by God to represent Him to people. I love Him very, very much and want to share facts, AND my opinion, to anyone who wants to listen. It is a fact that God loves us and wants a close relationship with us. It is also a fact that sin is the disease that prevents relationship from happening. It is my experienced opinion AND Biblical fact that when anyone ‘strives to lay hold of God,’ He will come in love and bring His promises with Him. But WE are the ones that must ask Doctor God for His help… first. No ask or seek? No get or find!
The time for putting trust in my friend the doctor came quickly. What would I do? Well I’ll tell ya! I drove home, walked into the house, went straight to the cupboard and threw those dang killer vitamins into the trash! THAT is called exercising my faith! Now…What will YOU do with God’s words? Remember… to see His face you must first must choose hear His voice!