“For through him (Jesus Christ) we both (Jews & Gentiles) have access to the Father by one Spirit.” Ephesians 2:18
In front of my house is a palm tree. Palm trees need trimmed once a year. Over the 30 years I have lived here, I have noticed there is a direct correlation between that tree’s height and my age. The older I get, the taller the tree becomes! I have an extension ladder that used to reach to the top. Then I started putting the ladder in the bed of my truck. When that didn’t reach, I bought an electric saw on a pole which I STILL had to use from the extension ladder which was set in the bed of my truck! I noted yesterday… that I need a new plan!
You may tell me I’m too old to climb ladders! And you are partially right. But my sense of ‘do it meself’ hasn’t gotten any sense… yet! Some may sat that I should just HIRE someone to do it. And yes I have. But tree trimming businesses come and go, and yesterday I was not in the mood to rid myself of $40 and the time to find someone. So I thought and thought and… BING!!! I found a solution!
Our church is building a building, and inside that locked building is a tall extension ladder that has been sitting there for a LONG time. I don’t know whose it is, but I know WHERE it is. Since I am the Pastor, I am one of only a very few people who have access to the inside of that building by way of a key. And that key is in my truck. As soon as the idea hit me, I was headed to the church, in my truck, with the key to get into God’s building! Why? Because I CAN! I have ACCESS!
Earlier yesterday, I was talking with a member who has an aluminum business. Having been in that business myself years ago, we started swapping ‘ladder’ stories. Funny stories that left us BOTH happy to even be alive! But it didn’t deter me from my plan. I am now delighted to tell you that the ladder reached, the tree got trimmed and that now, I have a different story to tell.
I am NOT the ONLY person who has access to the church. But I AM 1 of only 3 people who can be called, should anyone need to get into that building. You can say that to know me is to have access… MAYBE! In other words, as long as our goals are the same (to build the church) then I will gladly open the door for you.
Before Jesus Christ died to save mankind from the death of their sin, NO one had access to His Father… God. But because His Son paid the price, we ALL now have access to His Father. But ONLY with the key of the Spirit. God’s saving mission depends upon the lost WANTING to be found. We know God desires ALL to be saved. But NO ONE can be rescued if they don’t WANT to be… AND in HIS WAY! The question is, are you willing?
I already know that some folks may be thinking I used my special access to take unfair advantage in order to borrow a ladder I never owned. And all for my own personal interest! To those folks I say… YUP! And if you think THAT’S crazy, because of my special relationship as a son of God, HE has given ME free access to eternal life, the keys to the Kingdom AND a seat WITH Him to Co-reign it all! Are you Jealous? Don’t be… YOU have the same access as I…if you will only take advantage of His offer!