
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:5

I was invited to attend a Pastor’s training conference with a friend of mine… which STILL makes me giggle inside. I mean… who am ‘I’ that I should be picked by God to do ANYTHING for Him. I gladly accepted and we headed on to the event. Arriving, we were seated at the ‘speakers table’ directly in front of the podium. I didn’t immediately grasp what that meant, but took the seat pointed out for me. Then… I recognized the movie star across from me and REALLY felt out of place!

When someone from a national ministry began to set at our table saying, ‘I think I’m supposed to sit here,’ I thought nothing of it. “Welcome!” I said. But when she was told she had to move elsewhere I became embarrassed and replied, “you can have MY seat… I’m not sure ‘I’M’ supposed to be here!” The director then asked me, ”Are you here with Kevin?” When I said “Yes,” He factually stated… “Then THAT is YOUR seat!” I stayed right were I was, as ordered!

I can be a slob and my manners can slip to hillbilly level (no offense to hillbillies). But I HAVE been TAUGHT manners and KNEW what I was SUPPOSED to do in a setting like that. I placed my napkin in my lap, ate carefully and paid attention with my body language so as not to offend. Mid-speech, I had an itch to go get more shrimp before the line closed! But I KNEW not to stand up because that action would take the eyes of the room off the speaker and place them on ME! I SAT CAREFULLY, in fear that someone might focus their attention on me instead of the messenger’s message! And THAT is EXACTLY what I was SUPPOSED to do.

If you are reading this, YOU sat right there with me! If you have ANY part in this church, then YOU were right there WITH me. What ‘I’ did… YOU did! Because you are associated with me. LOTS of churches had been invited. But the number of attendees was much lower than the invites. That ‘I’ was there, was an honor. My friend, being more important than even ‘I’ had thought, was there for the same reason ‘You and I’ were! God EXPECTS something from us. It is apparent He has faith that we will DO what He will ask!

The world is becoming more and more hostile to Jesus Christ. Our ‘Good News’ message is increasingly perceived as hostile and unwelcome. But His call does not change. Our churches, communities and Nation are setting on a dangerous ‘’fault line.’ And the earth is rumbling! Being picked out from the masses, set at a table before the enemy and anointed by the King Himself MIGHT produce arrogance in some. But if you know that Master like I do… YOU and I are not called to be the focus! We are called to pay attention to what is coming from our Host!

The King is choosing us for action. But even if, like me, you feel yourself an ugly duckling among the swans… my advice is to “sit down.. shut up.. and pay attention! Because it is about to get interesting! WE are being invited to the King’s Table…for a REASON!

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