“Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? “Matthew 9:4
I finally had it yesterday! I simply could not do one more day like the previous 5. Having caught a nasty virus or bug, I was absolutely SICK of being sick! I needed to get out… to DO something. I was not at full capacity, but hanging out in a dark room had taken its toll. I needed to get out into the sunshine and at least feel like I accomplished something. So I did!
Thankfully I live in the Sunshine State. When I had felt REALLY bad, I didn’t even WANT to SEE the sun. Looking outside actually made me FEEL bad on the inside. Since my disposition was NOT bright, I preferred the darkness. This was changing… which I knew was a good sign! I got a trash can and headed to the yard to sit in the grass in the sunshine. My yard has been full of weeds, a minor matter that suddenly seemed to REALLY matter, since I usually HATE pulling weeds!
I rarely ever do work without listening to music. Depending on the mood, I will listen to country, Top 40, oldies or Elvis (yes he is a choice by himself). Yesterday, my dark mood on full display. It was a day when I REALLY needed a touch from Jesus. So I set my Ipod on ‘Favorite Christian’ and sat down in hope. I needed to spend time IN the sun…WITH The Son. Just Jesus and me! As I pulled weeds, the songs of His Truth poured into my heart and mind… leaving traces down my cheeks. Jesus was at work too when finally, the Light went on!
Depending on the situation, the heart and mind will compete for top dog. I personally believe that my mind is FAR too easily pleased. It will settle on a piece of candy just to satisfy the nag. The heart though, it seems to me, needs more evidence. But whether for good or evil, when the mind and heart become 1, big things happen. Sometimes with devastating results.
I notice when my body is sick, my mind joins in. Soon, the heart is influenced and there seems little that can be done… except to be miserable. Unless something happens to bring hope or light into the darkness, darkness remains. For me, missing the Light was enough. Joy found its way into my heart and my mind followed.
This Bible verse comes from the story of the paralytic healing. After his friends got him to Jesus through the roof, Jesus said, “Take heart son, your sins are forgiven.” A clear indication that sin and sickness are close partners. But not everyone in the crowd loved the message. After Jesus chided the discontent, He sent the man out the door, WALKING to his HOME. His body, mind and heart were all one from the ‘Son’shine!
Are you down, discontent, sick, sinful or living in the dark? Know that the Son is always ready to show you a brighter today. Even if it has to get dark first! What are you setting YOUR mind and heart on??