“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9
While doing my morning routine and spending time with God and His Word, the back of my mind was planning on what I would DO afterward. I had to get some things at the store, make a couple visits, and get some things done at the church. But in what order? Having dedicated to writing letters to out of area politicians to encourage them to follow GOD’S path, I decided the post office was the first stop. It went pleasantly downhill from there.
I usually try to eat a healthy granola bar for breakfast. When unavailable, I eat cookies! I KNEW that the best price for granola bars was 3 miles north of me. I was heading south. After the Post Office, I’d planned to go next door to the grocery store where there was a sale on something else I wanted. While there, I walked by a display and noticed THEIR price for granola bars, on sale, was $1.00 less than the cheaper place north! I bought 2 boxes! This stop saved me $18.00! Coincidence?
If there was ever a confusing verse in the Bible for me, this is one stands out. Because of free will, I know God does NOT control my every move. I can make plans and decisions on my own WITHOUT Him. On the surface, this verse ALMOST seems God is saying, “go ahead and plan.. but I’ll make you go where I want you to go.” Which would immediately get my hackles up. Because I don’t like being FORCED to do ANYTHING. And neither do you. So what is the meaning?
One verse of Scripture can easily be taken out of context and turned the wrong way. For example, “God helps those who help themselves,” is not only wrong… it isn’t even in the Bible! So the question of this verse remains, does God MAKE me ‘step’ to do something contrary to my own will? To get the flavor of the verse, I read the whole chapter. And NO! That is NOT what it means.
God wants my whole life and everything in it. But it must be a free will offering to Him. The more I give Him, the more He can use. The more I am used, the more I learn, grow and gain other opportunities. Along the Way on HIS path, I have discovered unexpected blessings and joys I never would have experienced, had I gone my own way. Things I miss or take for granted just seem to pop up along the way. And like flowers and smells, bees and trees, God’s way is abundant with good things I never expected.
When I make my plans with GOD in mind… when I commit to walk WITH Him along my planned route, He often points out to me what I would never have experienced alone. Each step of MY plans, when placed within HIS plans, is a step in a blessed direction.
Did I really save $18 because of God? I don’t really know for sure. But then.. do I really NEED to? Because I KNOW my Father… and He is enough!