“But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.” 2 Corinthians 3:16
The time was 4:20pm. Katie, usually home from work by then, called to tell me she’d be late. We needed to eat before Bible Study so we wouldn’t be hungry, so I hatched a plan and ran it by her. An Aldi grocery store is about 1.5 minutes and NO red lights from our house. After disconnecting from Katie, I turned for the keys and headed toward the truck. I was at Adli’s front door in 1.2 minutes!
I knew what I wanted after our talk. I knew where to find it once I got into the store. Being a man on a mission, nothing stopped me from parking, going right through the open front door at Aldi and getting what we needed. I was prepared, having both cash and a credit card in my wallet. Within 10 minutes of our conversation, the oven was on and I was preparing dinner! BAMM!
That story may seem silly, simple and plain, but as simple as it is, it points out the problem most people are facing in today’s world. The USA may have started out great, but it is FAST becoming a horrible mess because of bad turns! People have lost the simple knowledge of WHERE to TURN for the help and resources necessary for sustaining ‘The Good Life.’ Things appear to be getting worse!
Ancient Israel had a steady problem as she continued to turn away from God and follow other nation’s lifestyles and gods! The REAL God did not appreciate that. The warnings God sent to them take up much of the Old Testament! When they ultimately lost their way, God chose to block their way, because HE didn’t want them back… anyway! Their story is a warning to Jesus’ Church.
Today, if you go to visit Israel’s Bible sites, you will find most of them filled with rocks! Rubble and broken buildings lie where previous places for communion with God USED to take place. America too, founded on The Bible and Christian Faith, is fast becoming a war zone for unbelief and idolatry. Sadly, the views and sympathies are now following political party lines, as we are being divided.
A recent poll showed that most Republicans support Israel, while the Democratic support for the Palestinians has been trending upward! As a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ, I know WHY our country, and the world, is moving toward darkness. People have chosen to ‘grab a snack’ of somethin’ else, instead of turning to the storehouse of Faith to get Almighty God’s Abundant Life!
It takes a conscious effort and decision by an individual, when faced with sin, evil, bad consequences or even death, to TURN FROM those places and MOVE TOWARD The Lord. Only THEN will the veil of unbelief be lifted and Faith and Grace made home in heart. What are YOU looking at? Where do YOU TURN when life gets ugly? If you KNOW God…it’s time to SHARE God! He’s waiting… for now!