“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:20
“OUWWWWCH!!! THAT HURTS!” Having just purchased a blood pressure contraption, Katie was at her first attempt to try to use it. I figured there was no reason for me to get involved, though I could see she was getting frustrated. The first time she tried it she did something wrong and it squeezed her arm so hard she winced in pain! I hit the ‘Stop’ button and she, with a bruised arm, survived!!
For most people, blood pressure is a non-issue. Having the need for equipment to monitor blood pressure can mostly be found in the drawers of the elderly. Katie had completed a required physical for Medicare and found that she, like her genes could predict, has high blood pressure and needs to monitor it. I told her, “But you’re only getting old on the inside honey!” She was not amused!
After learning HOW to use the contraption, it was her job to monitor and record her daily readings. The next couple days I saw her flustered, seemingly trying to solve some kind of puzzle. Complaining that something “wasn’t fair” or was “not right,” she said that the results were still too high! “Something must be wrong,” she said! It was like she had failed a math test! So I intervened again!
“Honey, there IS something wrong” I said. “But as smart and as beautiful as you are, it ISN’T YOUR FAULT! Peaches… we are getting old!” She had no comment, as she seemed to settle into that fact. Later, I called Bob from the church. He sounded rough! Asking him how he was, he said, ‘getting along, but my hip is the problem! “How old are you?” I asked. “80,” he said. I almost fainted!
It USED to be that, to me, anyone who was 80 was ANCIENT! Taking a moment to do the math, since it takes longer to do so, I calculated Bob was only about 12 years older than me! “OH DEAR LORD!” I laughed out loud and Bob joined in. I realized, I’m not getting old… I’m getting CLOSE! Because soon enough… Jesus, Heaven’s joys and the rewards I have been working for will be right before my eyes!
What could I do? I broke into the chorus, “When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be!” and my mood adjusted. But how about YOU? Are YOU looking forward in excited anticipation of seeing Jesus and your eternal home? No worries, He’s coming. But keep working for Him! Cuz it ain’t like we’re getting a busload together to go today!