
I am insignificant and despised, but I do not forget your precepts.” Psalm 119:141 CSB

Having just purchased a new Smart ROKU TV, I received a request to complete a survey regarding their product. I don’t usually do surveys because they can take too much time, often putting me on someone a never ending email list. But liking the product, I clicked ‘Take the Survey.’ The first screen to pop up offered boxes to check for my age. 18-25. 26-35. 36-45. 46-55. 56-65. None of the Above!

I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw my age was of no significance! I busted out in uncontrollable laughter when, after selecting ‘None of the Above,’ The screen said, ‘Survey complete!’ I thought… ‘that’s IT??? You don’t even want to know my opinions or thoughts about your TV programming?’ My ‘thinking out loud’ turned into absolute silence as I answered my own question. “I guess not!”

It took a LOT of suffering, persistence, failure and come-backs to get where I am at 68! It was harder for me than some because, being stubborn, I was usually forced to learn things the hard way. Now, though I have a hard time sleeping, hearing, smelling and seeing, all those lessons are STILL there… from the tops of the mountains to walks through the valleys. From Marriage to child raising… worldly to Christ centered. I’ve learned a lot!

The world is moving along on the time-line predicted by Jesus Christ Himself. He said that the time of the end will be worse than ANYTIME in history. Having lived in a time when God and Country were at the center, the world is now wobbling under decisions made by the unwise and unlearned. Hard learned lessons of age are rarely sought, and ‘None of the Above’ is a class most prefer to skip!

But there IS a joyful learned perspective I have the privilege of seeing, as I approach this category of life. In light of His-story… I WOULD be insignificant, if it weren’t for Him. It is IN HIM that I rest my heart, souls and mind. In Him… I am NOT insignificant. I am God’s child and Christ’s ‘significant other.’ And HE is ALL I need to know and focus on to make this age ‘NOT insignificant!’ How ‘bout you?

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