“As for this temple you are building, if you follow my decrees, observe my laws and keep all my commands and obey them, (then) I will fulfill through you the promise I gave to David your father.” 1 Kings 6:12
I love my wife. If you know Katie, your immediate response would probably be, “well you SHOULD… LOOK at her!” You MIGHT even follow up with, “how did a guy like YOU get a lady like HER?” My response would be, “You’re right!” But I’m not as dumb as I play! LOVING her, 2nd only to loving God, is the greatest and most important role in my life. It’s tough because… she’s FANCY!
Somewhere, some time and some place, Katie got a cup of coffee that has froth on top of it. Her response was INSTANT gratification… like WOW! When she told me about it, and we tried it, her WOW experience was re-lived. Having nailed it… she had me taste it and asked… “doesn’t it even TASTE BETTER? A girl question that leaves this guy baffled. How can adding air change taste?
Men and women are different. God created humans that way for His purpose. Then he added rules to follow so I wouldn’t go about reinventing things that would eventually go wrong! Upon seeing and hearing that my wife loves frothy coffee, frothy coffee is what she is going to get! Last night I was questioned about the tool I use, and where someone might buy one for themselves.
My crazy brain started thinking, and possibly with the help of the Holy Spirit, I wondered… “Is GOD FANCY like that?” Heading back to the building of the finest Temple in the history of man, I found this initial statement God made to Solomon before he built it, and found today’s verse. It appears to me that God really didn’t give much of a hoot for the temple at all. HE wanted… man’s HEART!
Gold, jewels, precious materials and design are PRODUCT that God made though His Son Jesus. They were made by His SPEAKING and POOF!!! They appeared! Like air added to coffee with cream, man’s arrangement of God’s created materials do absolutely NOTHING to improve or make God say, “WOW… would ya LOOK AT THAT!” So God struck a mutual agreement deal with Solomon.
My life, circumstances, pains, experiences, temptations, trials and EVERYTHING, funnel into and land on what was once nothing more than a dead, black heart. God’s love provided me a path to live an extraordinarily FANCY life with HIM at the head of it. But a fancy life like that only comes from giving and allowing HIM to whip all the ingredients together for HIS purposes.
I’m going to work on giving Him every moment along my path today. How about you? Do YOU fancy fancy? Are you sharing the information to help others whip up their own fancy lives with Him?