
“you were redeemed…with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect…chosen before the creation of the world.” 1 Peter 1:18-20

I was in the swimming pool with a bunch of my grandkids. As usual, my ears were continually bombarded with one phrase over and over… “my turn!” As I am getting older and weaker… my grandkids are getting bigger and stronger. But it didn’t matter! For now… they cried out, “throw me to the Moooon!” And for now I still can… sort of! So I did!

It all started when my own children were children. We had been blessed by God to buy a house with a swimming pool. Living in Florida, it was one of our greatest blessings and is still a maker of memories. I started inventing different ways to throw my kids around in the water and came up with labels to apply like ‘To the moon,’ ‘The Statue of Liberty,’ ‘Ballerina,’ ‘Flip-a-rooski’ and the family famous ‘helicopter, belly-flopper SMASH!’ My whole family knows that each means!

These days, my body pays a price for such physical exertion. I can only go so long before I get worn out and have to tag team one of my 4 tough sons to take over. I say 4 because I consider my in-laws to NOT be in-laws. They bought into the family when they pledged their lives to my own kids. They continue to pay that price every day without complaint and take over tossing around the kids the same way.

There is really only 1 unstated rule to a ‘Flip-a-rooski,’ or any other throw for that matter. BE STILL! The energy and success of the toss is all on the thrower. If the kid is all jumpy and moving around, it becomes a ‘Flop-a-rooski!’ And while it may seem to be a stretch for a metaphor, it still works when applied to my salvation. The verse above proves it.

In Christendom, we generally use the word ‘Saved’ for someone who has accepted Christ as their Savior. It is a good word. But just like the description ‘To the moon,’ I can’t help but feel it falls FAR short of its true description. The words in this chapter call it what it is…‘Redemption!’ It is an extravagant word! I can be saved from drowning or falling by grabbing onto an inanimate object like a limb or rope. But getting into God’s family and Heaven is FAR more expensive.

The word ‘Redeem’ means to ‘deliver by paying a price.’ I was REDEEMED ‘with the precious blood of Christ!’ If I were even able to collect 1 drop if that blood and carry it to heaven with me, it would NOT get me in. The process of redemption is ALL up to God. HE came up with it, HE paid the price and HE has to apply it to my life. I am simply required to Be Still… and LET HIM!

Have you taken YOUR turn at His redemption? Do you KNOW what that means? Are YOU in the family? If not… He’s waiting and you CAN be next!

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